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Electronic Technology Review in Higher Education

Virtual technology (VR) has been crafting rapidly which is expected to be the next big technological turning stage. It is being utilized in many diverse fields and applications. Nevertheless , VR has some restrictions and conflicts that need to be cured in order for it for being fully chosen.

VR is a new technology that allows users to immerse themselves in an environment and experience multiple types of media. It also allows users to interact with that environment within a highly authentic capacity. They have many uses in degree, especially because it allows learners to practice expertise in a secure and restricted environment.

At first, VR originated as a game playing device. It consists of a head-set that allows the user to find out an immersive virtual community. VR game titles are referred to as exergames, since they require the user to take part in vigorous human body activity to be able to play the sport.

Research over the application of VR technology in higher education and teaching is now more common with the introduction of this new technology. The goal of this kind of document is to review the existing literary works on the apply cases of VR in higher education also to analyze the influence on the application of VR on students’ learning outcomes.

This analysis collected and screened 85 literatures to look for the influence of your application of VR in degree and teaching on pupil learning outcomes. The results exhibited that the affect of VR on students’ learning final results was typically due to its results on college student behaviors, followed by its results on students’ cognition last of all its impacts on students’ emotional perceptions.

Electronic Technology Review in Higher Education – Koneksi Group
PT. Ruang Inter Koneksi
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