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Latin Ceremony Practices Explained

When planning your ceremony, it’s important to believe about all of the components that are essential to you as a handful. This includes traditions that pride your identity and observe your values. But it’s also important to consider that not all cultures are the same In truth, several diverse faiths have their own exclusive rituals and traditions that can be included in your big time.

For illustration, in Puerto Rico it’s prevalent for a family member to house the couple’s veil over her head symbolizing cleanliness and her commitment to her man. Likewise, in Argentina it’s tradition for people to wear bands on their right hand until they get married and then switch them to the left.

Another fun Hispanic tradition is Un Baile de Billete, which is where customers pin cash(using safety pins) to the bride and groom for a chance to dance with them at the reception. This is often done to traditional music such as instrumental waltz, merengue or cumbias. The money collected helps the couple with their honeymoon or for their new home.

Another tradition that many brides and grooms are incorporating into their ceremonies is having los padrinos and las madrinas as part of the ceremony. Similar to having a bridal party, these people are special individuals who the couple have chosen to help them during their wedding ceremony. Usually, they are the godparents and they act as specialized mentors for the couple during their marriage. They can also sponsor items such as el lazo or las arras beautiful jamaican women matrimoniales.

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Latin Ceremony Practices Explained – Koneksi Group
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