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The custom of Cambodian weddings

In Cambodia, there is a amazing bridal ceremony. It lasts three days on average. The wedding wears a number of gorgeous outfits. Thankfully, we were invited to one of them.

In Cambodia in the past, there were a lot of arranged spouses. However, today’s fresh newlyweds make their marriage decisions on their own. They continue to observe traditional wedding rites, though.

Family members from the groom’s area arrive at the bride’s home with fruit trays on the day of the bride. These are truly works of art because they contain several varieties of crops!

This is a way to express their love and passion. They also give tea to the ghosts of their grandparents cambodian brides on this day. In this way, they request that the predecessors bless the wedding and inform them of it.

When the bride’s family arrived at the bride’s home, the groom and his entourage met them and presented them with gifts ( or dowry ). Then they sat down. The princess’s relatives placed her chair in the south-facing middle of the room.

In the ceremony dubbed” Bang Chhat Madaiy,” the couple honours their parents. They express gratitude to their parents for raising them and continuing to do so. Additionally, they say they will respect and take good care of their parents. The pair drapes golden yellow parasols over their parents during this service. Additionally, they are able to hear the bridal host’s speech, which serves as a reminder of this new accountability.

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The custom of Cambodian weddings – Koneksi Group
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